lay the scene
dim lights
like a dream.
tension set the stage
friends that don't want to be just friends
crowd around counting the hairs on your face
liquid flows with the sole point of poisoning your body
you know all these people here
don't want to be themselves anymore
your voice rings out into the dusty room
how odd is it that we all sit in silence
to listen to you
how big this must inflate your head
you're reaching out to someone but its not to us
we reach for you and all you want
is to turn and run
the song bends in to existence and to end
circling back around to where it began
but now somehow changed
for good and forever
now we own another piece of you
and you're more naked then you knew
all these people that surround us
we know nothing of their lives
what they eat, how they sleep
though there's hunger in their eyes
dressed in nothing more than our skivvies
we heave a heavy
and let this night slip on by
