its so hot
been dancing on elephants all day
picking out hats for the parade
in which none are welcome
or at least none that step out of line
falter just once and you're done
nobody can unsing what they've sung
*i already dislike this*

born from the ashes
can't think
can't speak
gone from all forms
of universal consciousness
*where do i pull that shit from*

its over
like a chicken
left in the oven
unfit for feasting
never know that
its purpose is ceasing
grown over
with too much mass

the wall's inscription
now lost from any stray passersby
not even one blink of an eye
pig sty
but such is life
those left to sit will be taken over
by those that dwell in stagnant places
so many races
equilibrium bubbles all around us
one man's trash is another man's treasure
at least that's what they say
heard that forever
play for pleasure
losing stamina
the thoughts stop flowing
in any joining order
they stop making sense
when i stop paying attention

ringing phones
buzzing appliances
murmuring voices
they all make the soundtrack to which we all walk
i chance a glance
giving rise
to not only you
but also me
let me repeat
i've got rounded teeth
from all the grinding
there is no unwinding
not at this point
